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Lifetime Membership Must Fill Out A Paper Application.


Shooting Range Rules


1. ONLY members holding a current membership card and member’s guests are permitted on the range. Members are responsible for their guests' conduct and must accompany them in all activities. Limit one (1) guest per visit, maximum of three (3) visits, except guests participating in sanctioned events.

2. Members are required to carry their current membership card on the range at all times and may be asked to present that card. Any member that cannot present their card will be asked to leave the range due to insurance purposes.

3. Everyone using the range is responsible for reading and understanding all rifle range rules before entering the range.


5. Shooting Range Hours are as follows: Sunday thru Saturday: 10:00 AM to Dusk.

6. Range is closed during club events and during the two (2) week regular firearm deer season.

7. Ear protection must be worn at all times. Eye protection is recommended.

8. Anyone under the age of 18 MUST be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian at all times while on the shooting range. 9. No 50 BMG cartridges or any cartridges based on the 50 BMG are permitted on the range.

10. Explosive targets, explosive ammunition, tracer ammunition and incendiary ammunition are not permitted on the range. 11. Randomly discharging a firearm is an unsafe practice and prohibited at East Brady Rod & Gun Club. DO NOT SHOOT at bottles, cans, rocks, target frames, safety cones, dirt piles, etc. Shoot only at paper targets properly attached to club provided backstops.

12. Be Courteous to your fellow shooters.

13. NO LITTERING – Pull your targets when you are finished.

14. Single projectile ammunition only on the rifle range. No buckshot, birdshot, or multiple projectile ammunition.

15. Failure to follow Range Rules will result in loss of membership and failure to follow range rules that result in damage to range facilities is considered vandalism. Vandalism will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

16. If unsafe or unauthorized behavior is noticed, safely gather the appropriate information; description of activity/activities, physical description of perpetrator(s), license plate number, etc., leave the area (if your safety is at risk) and report this information to a club officer in person or at


Indoor Range Rules


1. Indoor access is for members only, no guests.

2. Please sign in when entering the building.


4. If you turn the water pump on, turn it off before exiting the building.

5. If you turn the lights on, turn the lights off before exiting the building.

6. If the furnace is turned up, turn back to 50 degrees fahrenheit before exiting the building.

7. Be respectful and clean up after use (take down paper targets).

8. No alcohol while participating in activities.

9. No crossbows permitted on indoor range. Compound and Recurve only.

10. Paper targets and drinks will be available for purchase inside the club.

11. Violation of any rules will result in loss of membership. Any violations that result in damage to the facility or property is considered vandalism and will be prosecuted at the highest extent

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